It appears to me that the majority of social memes are about how tired, pissed off, frustrated and underappreciated women are feeling. MY inner voice says - Well, here we are... gender equality.
I'm an old fart I guess. Let me contribute about 1/2 the income, take care of the house, lawn, cars and bugs. And anything involving meat and fire. I'll pitch in on the inside here and there to with a sweeper or the laundry.
But, for the love of eight pound baby Jesus and Taylor Swift, meet me half way in a couple of places. Or switch me places.
Hell, I'll cook / clean and do laundry every day if you will pressure spray the house, army crawl under the house to swap out a water heater, and dodge doggie land mines with the lawn mower.
I think the biggest misconception is that some people think they can have it all. At least that's the messaging for the past 20 years.
No. No you cannot have it all. You cannot be a captain in your industry AND be present at all the kid stuff. They are both full time jobs. You end up cutting corners, farming out tasks, or wrecking your mental health.
Having it all comes with responsibilities. You can't brag about being a "car guy" when you have no tools in your garage and have never lost a 10mm socket.
You can't proclaim yourself an awesome mother if you have a nanny, or are dropping off the kids at the grandparents every weekend. In both cases, you are a project manager that has outsourced the labor.
So, I hope the wife's comment was meant for the cheap laugh. If not, they are at the beginning of the end.