Things To Think Before You Start Your Next Life
I want to share an idea I have been mulling over for nearly two decades. It is an “apex” idea that first materialized after my NDE (near-death experience) in 2005. It networked the “computers” I had built in my head. I say computers because it was more than a mental box of information. Each was comprised of both files AND an operation system. For example, the NDE “after-effect” of remote viewing was its own computer because it contained data, a hierarchy of processing rules, and a format for presenting it to others. Telling a group of practiced consciousness explorers about remote viewing was very different than telling my 20-something niece. Frankly, my NDE overwrote much of my original OS (operating system). The belief system of a Midwestern, Catholic, conservative farm boy was shattered. So much of what I thought to be real was actually wrong. And so much was wrong that I had to surrender to the fact I may have broken my brain.
I created a mental box I referred to as “My Insanity”. Into this box went curiosities like my ghost hunting that nearly resulted in possession, remote viewing inside the moon, being claimed by an archangel, and my hands heating up when I was near sick animals and people. Comic / marriage counselor Mark Gungor has a routine about men and their “Nothing Box”. After my NDE, I lost my Nothing Box. At 40 years old, I lost the ability to think about nothing. All of my carefully curated boxes were upended into a mental mixing bowl and it has been churning ever since.
I thought about titling this piece, “The Dough Hook of Destiny” but thought it was too abstract.
Suicide was briefly on the table as an option multiple times. However, in my NDE, I was shown that life is like a game of Chutes and Ladders. I would not be condemned to eternal damnation as Sister Mary Timothy and the other polyester penguins promised, but I would have to forfeit all the mental and spiritual growth I had gained in this lifetime… and that was one damn big chute. One morning over my solitary first coffee, I said out loud to no one, “OK, Let’s say I’m insane. Lets explore it, journal it, and see if there is a pathway back.” Rather than surrender to the cognitive cacophony, I cultivated a new OS which I now refer to as my Obstinate Spirituality.
Two decades later, I am pretty sure I’m not insane. Pretty sure… reasonable certain… nearly confident…until I get asked a question about any subject within the sphere of woo-woo (aka Transpersonal Psychology). My mental computers for past lives, NDEs, remote viewing, energetic medicine, ETs, spirit communication, and other metaphysical things are no longer in boxes. It’s no longer a concoction being churned with a bread hook. It now resembles a snowflake. Everything is connected to everything. And it’s now it’s OK to not have a Nothing Box. It’s been replaced with a snowflake, a wine box, and a cigar box.
Everything is connected to everything; an easy statement resulting from a treacherous journey.
I saw so many interesting cross-connections that I had to share them. For example:
The foundation of three-dimensional reality is really an expression of various iterations of a Mandelbrot set.
Remote viewing past lives is just the suspension of the cognitive construct we call Time.
Humanity is an experiment being run by multiple ET races with conflicting agendas.
Thoughts become things; this is true for creating a healthy relationship or a vengeful tulpa.
My post-NDE brain is in gregarious agreement. My pre-NDE brain was convinced I had smoked some weed sprayed with Monsanto and MD 20/20.
I knew if I was going to share these thoughts, I had to ease people into it. I also knew that if I actually had deluded myself into believing I was sane, then a societal body check into the boards was necessary. So, I put forward several foundational ideas on both YouTube and Medium. As a former corporate trainer for the pharma industry teaching good clinical practice, I knew when teaching a new concept, you have to have a shared lexicon between the teacher and the student to lower the risk of dissonance. If you have been through my internet footprint, you will see that I have introduced some metaphysical or Transpersonal Psychology subjects — near-death experiences (NDEs), spiritually transformative experiences (STEs), remote viewing, past lives, Reiki, ETs, and extra-dimensional beings that most certainly generate dissonance. For example, a co-worker at IBM once told me, “Dude, talking with you is like dropping acid.”
When I speak to large audiences, I speak from both the available objective research in that area and my own subjective experience. Whether I am teaching remote viewing, clinical trial fundamentals, or AI ground truth, I prefer to have both subjective “street smarts” and objective “book smarts”. It’s how I combat the feelings associated with Imposter Syndrome — even though I have been living in metaphysics for almost 50 years.
So, my apex question is not what is metaphysics. It’s not why are there metaphysical experiences? My question is who created and curates the syllabus for humanity’s metaphysical experiences?
Please forgive me the long wind-up. I think it’s worth it though.
I, like many before me, think that Earth is a classroom. If you have been throat-punched by life, YOU have probably come to this conclusion too. The pathway to this conclusion can be from different tangents — theology, philosophy, psychology or hard knocks. I have heard this hypothesis for decades but I have yet to hear someone expand upon the question of “who”. Who are the Earth school administrators? Who created humanity’s syllabus? Is it God? Is it the Grays? Are we ancestral children of the Annunaki? Are we leftovers from an interstellar war between Mars and Marduk? Is Earth a petri dish for multiple beings with multiple agendas? Here’s my hypothesis — and like a buffet, take what you want and leave the rest.
Humanity is part of a physical, spiritual, and evolutionary experiment that is so long in duration that multiple variables within the study are balanced over the generations and iterations.
The soul’s purpose is learning, living and loving. By learning every perspective of a particular life event, we become intelligent. However, by living every perspective of that same event, we become wise. And by loving unconditionally, we infuse the human experience with the divine. With all three, we achieve transcendence. We graduate from Earth school. And to this is hard AF.
A soul can reincarnate as many times and in as many places as it wants to so it can fully understand the human experience. (BTW — The human experience starter pack includes the Ten Commandments, the Seven Cardinal Sins, and the Seven Heavenly Virtues.) You could spend a single lifetime exploring each. Then you can spend just as many lifetimes fully exploring the granularity and minutiae of each of those experiences.
When you toss a brick into the lake of human consciousness, there will be numerous ripples and we need to explore each one to achieve mastery.
Let’s imagine we’re advanced souls and we’ve been planning our return to 3D reality. We revisit the cosmic Costco and review our various life’s records with fond nostalgia. Like perusing our old report cards, trophies, and old schoolwork still secure in our dusty Trapper Keepers, we realize we’ve already completed the basics. We’ve already been exploring the granularity of the human experiment across different ages, genders, races, and social strata — in all the ways humanity is quantified. It is at this point in our development that we discover a camouflaged door — a Restricted Section.
It is within this restricted section that we discover the Exceptional Human Experiences (EHE) — psychic skills like clairaudience, clairvoyance, and clairsentience, aka “the clairs”. So, too, out-of-body experiences like NDEs, STEs, remote viewing, and deja vu. Excursions outside traditional sensory perception include ghosts, faie folks, angels, and extra-dimensional beings.
While some EHEs are “scheduled” expansions of collective reality like remote viewing, some expansions are forced upon us like the abduction phenomena. As doubtful as you may personally think these things are, I would ask you to consider the gap between “normal” and “mental illness”. Over time, you may discover that the gap is more than a gap; there is an undiscovered country between the two.
I would also ask you to consider that “abnormal psychology” is constantly being redefined because society collectively moves the “normie” needle. In the 1980’s, seeing a person talking to people who weren’t physically there was a sure sign of abnormal behavior. Now when we see this, we presume they are talking on a wireless device, are being a social media influence, or just having a bad day.
EHEs will be on everyone’s lesson plan eventually. However, it is not revealed to your soul until it’s ready just as you don’t hand a child a book on quantum entanglement unless they need it as a booster seat. Your soul needs to have some fundamental understanding, even at a subconscious level, of consciousness apart from the corporal self. Once you realize the consciousness and the physical body are velcroed together and can be separated with mindful intention, then EHEs can be better grasped.
Just the idea of gaining information outside of your five senses can be showstopper. I have learned so very much while remote viewing but my sensory apparatus was lying in bed snoring and farting miles and centuries apart.
Exploring EHEs requires an understanding that humans are greater than the sum of their physicality. As a nurse, I have found that the most basic understanding can usually be shared when introducing people to the concept of phantom pain. My patient had an itchy foot that no longer exists due to a car accident. I created a fake limb from towels, covered it with a blanket, and then scratched away. I can still hear their sigh of contentment.
The patient’s energetic body is still present and neuroplasticity has not yet formed to the reality that the limb is no longer present. These are cracks in the concrete thinking of the patient. Soon, the towels are no longer needed. You scratch the area where the foot would be, the patient sees this, and gets the desired relief.
Now… what can cause undue stress, aka the holy schnikes moment for the patient or other concrete thinkers, is to tickle their non-existent foot while they are dozing. Sometimes the patient reacts to the stimulus even though the physical sensory receiver is not present and they did not see me provide the stimulus. Whether that is me disturbing their energetic body that still remains or because I emotionally interacted with this patient and am now quantum entangled with this person is still beyond my certainty. Just one more mental chew toy I gnaw on when sleep evades me.
At the 2023 IANDS conference in Washington DC, standing before a room of people engaged in the NDEs subfolder of EHEs, I acknowledged that we had participated in a gateway event into EHEs. However, we are not part of an exclusive club. There are a dozen of ways in which thousands of others have gained access to EHEs — meditation, fasting, drumming, chanting, holotropic breathing, oxygen desaturation, pharmacodynamics, spiritual epiphany, satori… this means that:
- There’s more than one on-ramp onto the metaphysical highway.
- There are millions of experiencers out in the world.
- No one’s experience is better than another; it’s curated to your capacity.
The biggest problem I have experienced since I started public speaking in 2011? It can be challenging because each of us are living in multiple realities — the “truth” of collaborative reality and the reality of each of the discovered EHEs . As an example, imagine a room of 100 people and ask them to raise their hands if they believe in ghosts. Now, ask for those who believe in aliens living under the ocean’s surface. Now, believes in trans-dimensional beings phasing in and out of 3D reality.
To twist the metaphor, it’s like five blind men examining a particular aspect of a platypus. Even when you see the animal in its totality, it is still hard to fathom. The Royal Court had to think the crew of the HMS Beagle were victims of ergot poisoning. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof — repeatedly.
To summarize, we are souls collaborating with bodies of homo sapiens, learning from basic human drives and behaviors, complex behaviors like the selective duplicity humans do so well, and then accessing EHEs once they have the capacity to do so. It’s time to add to the complexity and grab the third rail — extraterrestrials.
Extrapolating from the Drake Equation by assuming that life evolves similarly to how humans evolved on Earth (an M class planet), that life exists on class L, M, and N planets, then our galaxy has about 16 other species. I discovered a reptilian species when I was remote viewing the moon so this seed had been planted in my teen brain years ago. I later discovered that one of my great-uncles had worked on Project Blue Book. And a decade later, I discovered the writings of David Icke and Zacharia Sitchen. Family lore, my remote viewing experiences and collaborators, and popular authors melded into my extraterrestrial belief construct. Note I am not claiming a “truth”. I am claiming my experience. Your mileage may vary and objects may be closer than they appear.
By 2012, I was tentatively embracing the ET third rail because I was trying to make sense of my new reality post-NDE. And like carrying an umbrella as a tornado sweeps through a sewage treatment center, I had marginal success. As a clinical research nurse with training in PTSD, and because of the relief I experienced from my NDE after-effects, wanted to know if my PTSD clinical protocols would extend beyond NDErs to another group of people who have similar clinical presentations — UFO abductees.
A MUFON group near Tampa, FL was gracious enough to allow me to present my NDE experience and after-effects, the use of PTSD-based compensatory strategies, and the non-linear path I navigated back into normal society. Like a Canadian living in America, I blended in well until I started talking about (aboot) metaphysics.
I confirmed my clinical hypothesis with those who identified as abductees. In fact, given my research and personal interviews, plus adding the frequency of reporting over the years, I would say we have Grays, Nordics, Reptilians, and an insectoid race are either present or interacting with life on Earth. If you can stretch your preconceived notions to include additional races, then you can realize that each of those beings also has agendas that support and undermine our own. At best, it complicates our own species’ development. At worst, its agenda is to sabotage it. Thankfully, humans are particularly good at transferring pain into wisdom.
Over the years, I have had pretty good feedback from those who have listened to my experiences and the lessons I have learned. As a nurse and researcher, I do what I have been built to do. I learn. I share what I learn when I think it will be of service. I try to have fun in the process. While the majority has be receptive, some have chosen to perceive me as pretentious, enlightened, or elevated. My counterpoint is that I have had multiple and compounding metaphysical experiences over nearly 50 years. I am an expert in this area because I bear the scars. Like BB King said, I paid the cost to be the boss. I’ve earned the right to speak with a tone of authority but I also acknowledge that there is always someone out there who has more — more experience, more scars, and more authority. Those people are welcome at my physical or etheric campfire any time.
I welcome your comments here, on my YouTube channel, or at my next public speaking engagement which is the 2024 IANDS Conference in Arizona this August.
John J Mathis, BA, RN
Author / Business Owner / Metaphysical Paramedic